Design and development
Our development project
“Hose carrier basket made from plastic”
Subsidised by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
With this project, SmartEm GmbH has set itself the goal of developing a standardised, sustainable and multifunctional hose carrier basket.
Hose carrier baskets are used to transport fire hoses and are usually made of aluminium. In Germany, these baskets are subject to DIN 14827-1. The current standard-compliant baskets are made of aluminium, which has a high environmental impact and is subject to high wear and tear. They are not always easy to use and these baskets are often so badly damaged or bent after just a few uses that new ones have to be purchased. This situation is unsustainable and expensive.
With this project, SmartEm GmbH has set itself the goal of producing a standardised hose carrier basket made from recyclable plastic. This will improve sustainability in three ways:
1. local value creation through production in Germany instead of importing aluminium products from the Far East
2. more robust plastic solution reduces wear and tear and
3. in the event of damage, the fire brigade may replace the defective part itself.
Customised multifunctionality is ensured by retaining clips that allow the necessary materials to be attached to the basket. This project is being realised and financed using the Innotop funding programme with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
We develop rescue equipment and medical products
Our goal is to provide fire, rescue and other emergency services with the best possible support. We do everything in our power to ensure that our products are easy to use and simplify the daily routine of the emergency services.
The development of our rescue systems is always very practice- and customer-oriented. Due to the many years of experience of our employees, we have been able to continuously develop and improve our products in cooperation with customers.
Certified company for rescue equipment and medical devices
We fulfil DIN EN ISO 9001 and, if necessary, our products are certified after development and approved for sale and use in an emergency.
Proven quality for use in emergency situation
As a certified company, SmartEm offers you proven quality and first-class service. Since its foundation, SmartEm has been manufacturing rescue products, rescue equipment and medical devices that combine economy, innovation and quality. The focus is always on developing the products in a way that ensures work can be carried out quickly and safely.
Development for customer-specific requirements
Gemeinsam mit einem langjährigen Kunden wurde für unsere Schleifkorbtragen ein Fahrgestell sowie Kufen entwickelt. Das Fahrgestell erleichtert die Arbeit bei Rettungseinsätzen insbesondere in Auto- und Eisenbahntunnel.
Chassis “Carachasis” for basket carriers from SmartEm
The Carapace chassis was developed especially for our basket stretchers. On the basket stretchers, it considerably facilitates use in an emergency. The chassis was designed at the request of a long-standing customer. At the same time, suppliers were involved to produce and certify the chassis. This enabled SmartEm to meet its own quality requirements and to now offer customers real added value.
SmartEm has designed removable wheels for the Carachasis chassis. The non-slip studded wheels are made of a foam core and are therefore puncture-proof. The entire chassis has been tested for durability.
In addition, the drag basket stretchers have been further developed and fitted with Caraskid skids. The installation of fixed skids prevents the floor from grinding through. The runners can be replaced, which considerably extends the service life of the basket stretchers.

SmartEm develops individual and customized products for you that best meet your requirements. Please contact us for an individual consultation. We will also find the right solution for you.
SmartEm Cloud
SmartEm Cloud – intelligent product labeling for easy management of your SmartEm products
All rescue systems must be tested at annual intervals. The testing is carried out by the user, according to the SmartEm test procedure. Learn how the SmartEm Cloud works.